Comments: 14
Threads: 39
Joined: 17 Dec 2021 - 19:29

Commented on 08 Sep 2024 - 19:28



EverGames logo


General Rules

  • For breaking a given point of the rules you will be punished with a warning or ban.
  • It is forbidden to write obscene, blasphemous, pornographic, violating someone's privacy or other illegal content.
  • People with multiple accounts (i.e. multi-accounts) may be punished with an IP ban (especially if they reply under their own posts or add positive reputation to themselfs). If you have siblings, other household members who want to have their own accounts independently and you use the same computer or network - Be sure to inform the administration about it. No excuses after the ban will be taken into account! (this point does not apply to people who play together from the same household and do not break the rules of these regulations)
  • The user's nickname cannot be vulgar (including their abbreviations), offensive; it cannot contain strange content, and it cannot have advertisements or website addresses (this does not apply to companies that are accepted from above). If the nickname contains such paraphrases, they will be removed from the nickname or the person may lose access to their account (their account will be completely removed from the system).
  • The user profile (the "About Me" page, etc.) should be their profile and not an advertisement (of some forum, server), or something else unrelated to the person.
  • Providing IP addresses is strictly prohibited outside the designated section. This also applies to user profiles.
  • It is not allowed to advertise, distribute, or spam addresses to pages, forums with the same or similar topics in the form of topics, posts, profiles.
  • The user name seen in the system cannot consist of only special characters, e.g. dots, commas, etc.
  • The regulations apply to the entire EverGames website, network, services and pages belonging to EverGames.
  • IP addresses are saved in the database for the purpose of verifying the computer in addition to the identifier provided by Steam, and some IP addresses, e.g. in the EverBans system, are provided based on the GeoIP database, with accuracy only to the user's city. IP addresses will never be shared with anyone, unless it is a location form based on the last IP address with MAXIMUM accuracy to the city shown on Google Maps in the EverGames system or it falls under Art. 23 u.o.d.o. section 1 or under Art. 27 u.o.d.o. or another paragraph of this type.
  • The administration is not responsible for the uploaded files and their use on their own computer. The user bears all responsibility for the content sent. The administrator has the right to delete a given file if they believes / has grounds that it is inappropriate or contains inappropriate content.
  • Using the pages and services in the domain is free and the administration does not charge any fees for this.
  • In every place on the forum it is forbidden to post content that the author knows to be untrue and/or defamatory, offensive, vulgar, hateful.
  • This forum is not intended for discussions about politics, etc.
  • It is forbidden to "dig up" topics older than 2 weeks to bump posts. (exceptions may be guide topics or other similar threads in order to ask a question if something is not working or to describe your problem in order to solve it)
  • The Administrator / Moderator may close topics older than 2 weeks without giving a reason. 
  • Abuse of voice and text chat on EverGames network servers and services officially associated with it is prohibited.
  • The EverGames network and the Administration are not responsible in any way for content uploaded by users.
  • Security:
    • Users are required to create strong, unique passwords and change them regularly.
    • Sharing your login details with third parties is prohibited.
    • Be careful when clicking on links or opening attachments from unknown sourcesdeł.
  • Discrimination:
    • Any behavior or statement that could be considered discriminatory based on gender, race, religion, sexual orientation, nationality, disability or any other personal characteristic is prohibited.
    • Hate speech and any other form of verbal violence  (including various types of pornography) are strictly prohibited.


Writing topics

  • Before you create a new topic, make sure that a similar one has not already been created.
  • If you have not found an answer to your question, create a new topic in the appropriate section.
  • The names of topics should be consistent with their content.
  • Try to describe your problem or question in detail.
  • Do not dig up old topics unless you have reasons to do so, such as: the download does not work, the topic was copied from another site.
  • There is a total ban on publishing content (plugins/applications/source codes) that modify player files (especially the resource directory or other important directories) - the exception may be transparent open applications that are clearly open and contain clear warning against their use and how they work with their planned final result.
  • Absolute ban on posting any game aids (cheat, scripts, etc.) - in "exceptional" circumstances this may result in a ban.
  • Refreshing topics is allowed after 24 hours from the moment of writing the last post.
  • Refreshing topics can be done by writing “@ref” or "refreshing" etc..
  • An application will not be accepted for consideration if the person willing to take on a given position has any "traces" of breaking the rules on their account - although this is not a rule that discriminates against the candidate from the start.
  • Votes under the application of a person who breaks the rules will not be counted until the Administrator decides about it.
  • Accounts that have been banned (this does not apply to “AFK” bans and other trivial matters) do not have the right to apply for administrator, etc.
  • All applications written from the same IP of a blocked account(s) are automatically rejected.


Writing posts

  • When writing a new post, try to keep it on topic, do not use pointless OFF Topic unless it is required in a given topic.
  • When writing a new post, try to make it legible and clear.
  • When writing a new post, remember about spelling, do not use too many HTML tags (yes, this version of the forum is equipped with a slightly “larger” number of toys in the editor).
  • Do not place reference links (ref-links), requests for invitations to be sent and other such things. The only exception is the signature.
  • Place code in posts (e.g. plugin source, console logs) in appropriate tags (e.g. code / code block), and above 200 lines only in a file or on a paste (e.g. pastebin) - although these 200 lines are not always the rule.
  • When speaking, you are not allowed to use vulgarities, insult other users, etc. (Everything within the framework of “laughter” and moderation as long as everyone knows the context).
  • It is forbidden to spam in any category and subcategory of the forum, writing and replying to topics, it will end with a permanent ban.
  • Make sure that the text / code you add does not contain addresses to competing forums / websites etc.
  • Any posts of the type "you won't get it for free", etc. will be deleted, and their author will be rewarded with a "surprise" from the Administrator.
  • When expressing your opinion in posts of the type "Application for Administrator", "Complaint about...", "Request to UB / UM", your statement must be supported by at least 3 justifications, otherwise your statement may not be taken into account.
  • Users are obliged to respect the copyrights of others. Publishing content protected by copyright without the author's consent is prohibited.


Reputation / Like

  • Forum users have the right to positively evaluate users.
  • Positive reputation should be given for help received, containing important information, etc. Helping usersy get nothing out of it, and in this way you can symbolically reward them.
  • Giving away positive reputation points for posts that contribute nothing to the topic, that do not help in any way is frowned upon and punished in the case of frequent abuse of this option.
  • Begging for reputation points aka. like is also frowned upon and may result in zeroing these points.
  • The administration waives the right to remove / correct the number of points for a given user if it falls under a point in the regulations.



  • In order to improve the work on the forum, a reporting system has been made available to users.
  • The user has the right to report a post or topic.
  • Any content that is inconsistent with the regulations is subject to reporting.
  • Excessive submission of frivolous reports may result in the user being punished.
  • Reports are sent in the form of a contact form to the Administration
    • If it is determined that the regulations have not been broken, the report may be “ignored” or the reporting user may receive an email or instant messenger response stating that the report is “invalid” with the reason.
    • If the report is positively considered, the actions (e.g. correcting the message or deleting it, etc.) will be visible under the given thread / forum post.


Reporting cheaters

  • Users who use programs that support / facilitate the game are rewarded with a PERMANENT BLOCK.
  • You can report cheaters via the forum and directly to the Administrator or Server Supervisor.
  • Evidence against the player should include (if possible) screenshots or videos (it is easier to prove guilt).
  • Submitting false and untrue reports is punished by a ban from the forum.
  • If the incident took place on the server, there is a good chance that the demo system registered the user and it is enough to attach a link to the thread you created or a message written to the Administrator.



  • Absolutely no copying the content of the forum to other sites with similar topics (sourcemod, counterstrikesharp, csgo, cs2 etc. etc.) unless it complies with the EverGames regulations and the site to which the content is copied.
  • Absolutely no copying the content of other sites to the forum (unless the author agrees and, like above, it complies with the site regulations).
  • Follow the rules of Netiquette.
  • All offers and transactions should be conducted outside the forum (communicator or other messages), so as not to reveal private data.
  • The only offers may be submitted bylegal companies.
  • To be able to participate in recruitment, the user must not have a bad reputation, and a complete lack of warnings. (unless the warning has expired or was something trivial)



  • All content posted by users, i.e. topics, posts, attachments, etc. are an integral part of the forum and the user cannot request their removal upon request or in the event of a ban or other similar situations.
  • The forum is not legally responsible for the content of topics, posts, entries, etc. placed by the user (extension of the point from the first section).


Punishing players

  • The administrator selects a fair punishment for the accused user. If the user finds that the punishment received is unfair or inconsistent with the rules, they can appeal it.
  • If the player receives a ban or block for which there is no reason, they can apply for the unblocking of the account and it must be considered positively due to the fact that the punishment received has no basis in the system. The exception is the option when the Administrator corrects / enters the reason immediately after imposing the punishment.


UB / UM Requests

  • All requests can be written using the template available (if there is one) when creating a topic.
  • The request can be considered for up to 2 weeks from the response of the banning Admin, if this does not happen, the higher rank takes over the role.
  • Requests for UB / UM should be written up to 2 weeks from the date of receipt, after this time the banning admin can ignore the application (the banned person should be interested in it and want to be able to get UB / UM, and not delay).
  • If the banning admin does not comment on the topic within 5 days (or 7 days in extreme cases), the matter will be dealt with by another Administrator, Guardian or Owner.
  • It is forbidden to create several topics unnecessarily with a request for UB / UM (another reason is when the previous one is accidentally deleted).
  • Posts with requests can be refreshed at least every 24 hours!
  • Failure to comply with the rules (i.e.: creating several posts with the same content, not adding a template, etc.) are punished by receiving a block on the account, for an indefinite period.
  • The user has 30 minutes to fix the request before the previous point is used (exceptions may be justified situations in which the user cannot do so, e.g. being human and considering something at 4 in the morning, let's not count on the other person being online at the same time).


Privacy Policy


Changes to the rules

The administration reserves the right to change these rules at any time. Users can be informed of any changes via Discord messages / forum thread.
